+91 7666 120 489 Tie up with 15+ Organizations of global Professional Certification Program

Web & Apps Development

  • Full-stack developers may be creative, graphically inclined, internet- and tech-savvy, and have excellent attention to detail. You will want to learn the following skills to have a career in full-stack development: Front-end development is the process of creating the interface of a website. It entails coding details like drop-down menus, fonts, colors, and page layouts. Full-stack developers should also know how to work with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and scripting languages such as JavaScript to make websites and applications visually viable and appealing. Back-end development skills entail using back-end programming languages like Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails, and CakePHP and understanding how algorithms and business logic work. You can enhance your back-end development skills to prepare for a full-stack developer role.

Course Outline & Fees

A comprehensive Web App course will typically cover a wide range of topics, starting with the fundamentals & progressing towards advanced concepts.

Web-Apps Development Syllabus

-Choose a Technology MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js; MEAN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js; LAMP Stack: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP; Ruby on Rails: A full-stack web application framework written in Ruby; Django: A high-level Python web framework for rapid development. Java Script, UI/UX

-Front-End Development HTML Elements and Structure, Mastering CSS Selectors and Properties, React Anguler

-Back-End Development framework, node.js, database

How to Apply & Fee structure

-To visit the training center or online application center.

-You will receive a admission offer letter within 24 hrs.

-Block Amount of INR 20,000 includes application fees.

-The following fees schedule is applicable for guys.

-Application fees (one time): up to INR 10,000

-Admission fees (one time): INR 30,000

Total fees of course INR 50,000 (Block amount includes application fees 20,000 & admission fees INR 30,000)

-All the above fees are non-refundable.

Upon Receiving the block amount & other documents, you will riceive a admission offer letter. You will need to submitt the first installment and one time fees (INR 30,000) within 48 hrs of receivpt of the this letter. For details no cost EMI starts at INR 5,000 We partnered with financing companies to provide competitive finance option at 0% interest rate with no hidden costs. Also you will receive your ID and access to the learning. The credit facility is provided by a thired party credit facility provider and any arrangment with such thired party is outside intellipaats purview.(ShopSe, EarlySalary, etc). Any guys who desires to discontinue from the programme after confirmation of admission & registration for the courses specified in the admit offer letter will forfeit the total amount of fees paid.

Contact Us

Branches:-Pune, Mumbai, Kolhapur, Latur, Jabalpur(opening soon Chandigarh & Delhi)

Please fill in the form below and will get back to you in 24 hours, except on sunday. in that case, we'll respond Monday morning.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. We are Always Happy to help You .............


Gokhale road, Pune, Maharashtra

Phone Number

+91 7666 120 489

Email :- B - Business & Inquery


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